Professional Cat Photography Melbourne
We've been asked many times whether we photograph cats as well as dogs. Well the answer is yes, we love photographing your feline family friends. Sure they're a whole new challenge, I'm still waiting for one that will sit and stay on command, but with a little patience and calm technique we will be able to capture some wonderful images together.
As we all know cats ( most) don't travel well so we photograph them where they are most comfortable, your home. Depending on their confidence around strangers usually the best technique is for us to a have a coffee and chat while your cat gets used to the "intruder in the house"
I love cats eyes! The depth of colour and tones and the transparency of their emotions make a wonderful focal point.
So if your keen on having us photograph your gorgeous cat, please contact us and we'd love to have a chat about what you are after.
Please call us on 0414 859192 or email on or contact us